Google Cloud Pub/Sub + AsyncAPI

I’ve been covering different aspects of AsyncAPI in my recent blog posts. In this final post of my AsyncAPI blog post series, I want to talk about how to document Google Cloud’s Pub/Sub using AsyncAPI. AsyncAPI has pretty good support for Google Pub/Sub, thanks to contributions from Jeremy Whitlock, an engineer from Google, and the flexibility baked in AsyncAPI spec. Jeremy also has a nice blog post on this topic that you can read for more details. Read More →

Cross-region and cross-project event routing with Eventarc and Pub/Sub

With event-driven architectures, it’s quite common to read events from a source in one region or project and route them to a destination in another region or another project. Let’s take a look at how you can implement cross-region and cross-project event routing in Google Cloud. Cross-region event routing is straightforward in Google Cloud, whether you’re using Pub/Sub directly or Eventarc. Pub/Sub routes messages globally. When applications hosted in any region publish messages to a topic, subscribers from any region can pull from that topic. Read More ↗︎