Creating Eventarc triggers with Terraform

Terraform is increasingly the preferred tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure in Google Cloud and across clouds. In an earlier post, I showed how to create Eventarc triggers using Google Cloud Console or via the command line with gcloud. In this post, I show how to create the same triggers with the google_eventarc_trigger Terraform resource. See eventarc-samples/terraform on GitHub for the prerequisites and for full Terraform configuration. Define a Cloud Run service as an event sink Before you can create a trigger, you need to create a Cloud Run service as an event sink for the trigger. Read More ↗︎

Deploying multi-YAML Workflows definitions with Terraform

I’m a big fan of using Workflows to orchestrate and automate services running on Google Cloud and beyond. In Workflows, you can define a workflow in a YAML or JSON file and deploy it using gcloud or using Google Cloud Console. These approaches work but a more declarative and arguably better approach is to use Terraform. Let’s see how to use Terraform to define and deploy workflows and explore options for keeping Terraform configuration files more manageable. Read More ↗︎