Multi-language libraries and samples for GenAI in Vertex AI

You might think that you need to know Python to be able to use GenAI with VertexAI. While Python is the dominant language in GenAI (and Vertex AI is no exception in that regard), you can actually use GenAI in Vertex AI from other languages such as Java, C#, Node.js, Go, and more. Let’s take a look at the details. Vertex AI SDK for Python The official SDK for Vertex AI is Vertex AI SDK for Python and as expected, it’s in Python. Read More →

Introducing a new Eventarc destination - internal HTTP endpoint in a VPC network

Introduction Eventarc helps users build event-driven architectures without having to implement, customize, or maintain the underlying infrastructure. Eventarc has added support (in public preview) for delivering events to internal HTTP endpoints in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. Customers, especially large enterprises, often run compute (typically GKE or GCE) on VPC-private IPs, often behind internal load balancers. This launch will enable these services to consume Eventarc events. Internal HTTP endpoints can be an internal IP address or fully qualified DNS name (FQDN) for any HTTP endpoint in the VPC network. Read More →

What languages are supported in WebAssembly outside the browser?

What languages are supported in WebAssembly running outside the browser? This is a question I often hear people ask. It’s has a complicated answer because: WebAssembly outside the browser needs WASI and not all languages have WASI support in their toolchain. Even if WASI is supported well in a language, WASI has its own limitations that you need to take into account. In short, you can’t take any code written in any language and expect to compile and run it as a Wasm+Wasi module right now. Read More →

Adding HTTP around Wasm with Wagi

In my previous posts, I talked about how you can run WebAssembly (Wasm) outside the browser with Wasi and run it in a Docker container with runwasi. The Wasi specification allows Wasm modules access to things like the filesystem and environment variables (and I showed how in this blog post) but networking and threading are not implemented yet. This is severely limiting if you want to run HTTP based microservices on Wasm for example. Read More →

Buffer workflow executions with a Cloud Tasks queue

Introduction In my previous post, I talked about how you can use a parent workflow to execute child workflows in parallel for faster overall processing time and easier detection of errors. Another useful pattern is to use a Cloud Tasks queue to create Workflows executions and that’s the topic of this post. When your application experiences a sudden surge of traffic, it’s natural to want to handle the increased load by creating a high number of concurrent workflow executions. Read More →

Workflows executing other parallel workflows: A practical guide

Introduction There are numerous scenarios where you might want to execute tasks in parallel. One common use case involves dividing data into batches, processing each batch in parallel, and combining the results in the end. This approach not only enhances the speed of the overall processing but it also allows for easier error detection in smaller tasks. On the other hand, setting up parallel tasks, monitoring them, handling errors in each task, and combining the results in the end is not trivial. Read More →

Generative AI Short Courses by DeepLearning.AI

Introduction In my previous couple posts (post1, post2), I shared my detailed notes on Generative AI Learning Path in Google Cloud’s Skills Boost. It’s a great collection of courses to get started in GenAI, especially on the theory underpinning GenAI. Since then, I discovered another great resource to learn more about GenAI: Learn Generative AI Short Courses by DeepLearning.AI from Andrew Ng. In this post, I summarize what each course teaches you to help you decide which course to take. Read More →
GenAI  AI 

Running Wasm in a container

Docker recently announced experimental support for running Wasm modules (see Announcing Docker+Wasm Technical Preview 2). In this blog post, I explain what this means and how to run a Wasm module in Docker. Why run Wasm in a container? In my Exploring WebAssembly outside the browser post, I mentioned how Wasm is faster, smaller, more secure, and more portable than a container. You might be wondering: Why take something faster, smaller, more secure, and more portable and run it in a container? Read More →

Compile Rust & Go to a Wasm+Wasi module and run in a Wasm runtime

In my Exploring WebAssembly outside the browser post, I talked about how WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) enables Wasm modules to run outside the browser and interact with the host in a limited set of use cases that Wasi supports (see Wasi proposals). In this blog post, let’s look into details of how to compile code to a Wasm+Wasi module and then run it in a Wasm runtime. Notice that I use Wasm+Wasi module deliberately (instead of just Wasm) because some languages have Wasm support and can run perfectly fine in the browser but they have no or limited Wasi support to run outside the browser. Read More →

Exploring WebAssembly outside the browser

Introduction WebAssembly (Wasm) was initially designed as a binary instruction format for executing native code efficiently within web browsers. The original use cases are focused on augmenting Javascript in the browser to run native code in a fast, portable, and secure way for games, 3D graphics, etc. However, its potential extends far beyond the browser. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the exciting realm of running Wasm outside the browser, exploring its advantages, and relevant specifications. Read More →