Cloud Run as an internal async worker

Cloud Pub/Sub + Cloud Run Introduction If you’ve heard of Cloud Run, you already know that it’s great for spinning public endpoints inside stateless containers to handle HTTP request/reply type of workloads. And the best part is that you only pay for the duration of the request! However, HTTP request/reply handling is not the only use-case for Cloud Run. Combined with Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Run is very well suited for internal async worker type use-cases because: Read More →

Knative to Cloud Run

Cloud Run In my Hands on Knative series (part 1, part 2, part 3), I showed how to use Knative Serving, Eventing and Build on any Kubernetes cluster anywhere. This is great for portability but with that portability comes the overhead of creating and managing a Kubernetes cluster. Not to mention the complexity of Istio which is a dependency of Knative. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) helps with managing the Kubernetes cluster a little but you still need to worry about all the bells and whistles of a Kubernetes cluster. Read More →