Hands on Knative — Part 2

In my previous post, I talked about Knative Serving for rapid deployment and autoscaling of serverless containers. Knative Serving is great if you want your services to be synchronously triggered by HTTP calls. However, in the serverless microservices world, asynchronous triggers are more common and useful. That’s when Knative Eventing comes into play. In this second part of Hands on Knative series, I want to introduce Knative Eventing and show some examples from my Knative Tutorial on how to integrate it with various services. Read More →

Istio + Kubernetes on Windows

I’ve been recently looking into Istio, an open platform to connect and manage microservices. After Containers and Kubernetes, I believe that Istio is the next step in our microservices journey where we standardize on tools and methods on how to manage and secure microservices. Naturally, I was very excited to get my hands on Istio. While setting up Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is pretty straightforward, it’s always useful to have a local setup for debugging and testing. Read More →

From the Monolith to Microservices

I remember the old days where we used to package all our modules into a single app (aka the Monolith), deployed everything all at once and called it an enterprise app. I have to admit, the first time I heard the term enterprise app, it felt special. Suddenly, my little module was not so little anymore. It was part of something bigger and more important, at least that’s what I thought. Read More →