Cluster local issue with Knative Eventing v0.9.0

In my previous post, I talked about Knative v0.9.0 and some of the eventing changes in the latest release. I’ve been playing with Knative v0.9.0 since then to read Google Cloud Pub/Sub messages using PullSubscription and I ran into a rather fundamental issue that baffled me for a while. I’d like to outline the problem and the solution here, just in case it’s useful to others. Knative Services as eventing sinks In my PullSubscription, I could define Kubernetes Services as event sinks as follows: Read More →

How to deploy a Windows container on Google Kubernetes Engine

Many people who run Windows containers want to use a container management platform like Kubernetes for resiliency and scalability. In a previous post, we showed you how to run an IIS site inside a Windows container deployed to Windows Server 2019 running on Compute Engine. That’s a good start, but you can now also run Windows containers on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Support for Windows containers in Kubernetes was announced earlier in the year with version 1. Read More ↗︎

Knative v0.9.0

Knative has been evolving pretty quickly. There’s a new release roughly every 6 weeks with significant changes in each release. Knative v0.7.0 was all about changes in Knative Serving (my post). Knative v0.8.0 was about deprecation of Knative Build in favor of Tekton Pipelines (my other post). Knative Serving v0.9.0 and Eventing v0.9.0 have been released a little over a week ago. In Serving, there’s a v1 API and a number of improvements on autoscaling and cold starts. Read More →

How to deploy a Windows container on Google Compute Engine

Last year, we published a blog post and demonstrated how to deploy a Windows container running Windows Server 2016 on Google Compute Engine. Since then, there have been a number of important developments. First, Microsoft announced the availability of Windows Server 2019. Second, Kubernetes 1.14 was released with support for Windows nodes and Windows containers. Supporting Windows workloads and helping you modernize your apps using containers and Kubernetes is one of our top priorities at Google Cloud. Read More ↗︎

Migrating from Knative Build to Tekton Pipelines

Knative 0.8.0 and Build Deprecation Knative 0.8.0 came out a couple of weeks ago with a number of fixes and improvements. One of the biggest changes in 0.8.0 is that Knative Build is now deprecated according to docs: Knative Installation docs also only include Knative Serving and Eventing without mentioning Build: kubectl apply \-f \\ \-f \\ \-f Good to know but there’s no explanation on why Knative Build was deprecated and any guidance on what is the replacement, if any. Read More →

Migrating from Kubernetes Deployment to Knative Serving

When I talk about Knative, I often get questions on how to migrate an app from Kubernetes Deployment (sometimes with Istio) to Knative and what are the differences between the two setups. First of all, everything you can do with a Knative Service, you can probably do with a pure Kubernetes + Istio setup and the right configuration. However, it’ll be much harder to get right. The whole point of Knative is to simplify and abstract away the details of Kubernetes and Istio for you. Read More →

Serverless gRPC + ASP.NET Core with Knative

I was recently going through the ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 3 post, this section got my attention: gRPC template. Apparently, .NET Core 3.0 got a new gRPC template for easily building gRPC services with ASP.NET Core. I tested gRPC and .NET before and I have some samples in my grpc-samples-dotnet repo. Even though gRPC and .NET worked before, it wasn’t that straightforward to setup. I was curious to try out the new gRPC template and see how it helped. Read More →

Knative Serving 0.7

As you might have heard, Knative 0.7 was out last week. One of the notable changes in this release is that Knative Serving API progressed from v1alpha to v1beta. While you can still use the old v1alpha1 API, if you want to update to v1beta, you need to rewrite your Knative service definition files. The new API also allows named revisions, silent latest deploys and a better traffic splitting configuration. In this post, I want to outline some of these changes. Read More →

Cloud Run as an internal async worker

Cloud Pub/Sub + Cloud Run Introduction If you’ve heard of Cloud Run, you already know that it’s great for spinning public endpoints inside stateless containers to handle HTTP request/reply type of workloads. And the best part is that you only pay for the duration of the request! However, HTTP request/reply handling is not the only use-case for Cloud Run. Combined with Cloud Pub/Sub, Cloud Run is very well suited for internal async worker type use-cases because: Read More →

Knative + Buildpacks: Source code to container image without Dockerfile

I previously talked about Knative Build and how it enables you to go from source code to a container image in a repository. You can write your Build from scratch or you can rely on many of the BuildTemplates Knative already provides. For example, in my Knative Tutorial, I show how to install Kaniko BuildTemplate and use Kaniko to build container images. You normally need to write a Dockerfile, so Knative Build (or Kaniko to be more precise) knows how to build the container image. Read More →