Google Cloud Functions on .NET

.NET for Google Cloud Functions (Alpha) I spoke at many .NET conferences over the last 3-4 years and one of the top requests I always received was: When will .NET be supported on Cloud Functions? Unfortunately, I didn’t have a good answer for a while. That all changed last month with the following tweet from Jon Skeet from our C# team: I'm thrilled that .NET support is coming to Google Cloud Functions, along with the . Read More →

.NET Core 3.1 updates in Cloud Shell and App Engine flexible environment

.NET Core 3.1 updates on Google Cloud .NET Core 3.1 was released on December 3rd, 2019 and is a LTS release, supported for three years. In Google Cloud, you could already deploy .NET Core 3.1 containers in Cloud Run (see cloud-run-dotnetcore-31) and also in App Engine flexible environment with a custom runtime. We recently extended .NET Core 3.1 support in a couple of ways: Cloud Shell now supports .NET Core 3. Read More →

Daily COVID-19 cases notification Pipeline with Knative Eventing, BigQuery, Matplotlib and SendGrid

Motivation When I started working from home in mid-March, I was totally obsessed with COVID-19 news. I was constantly checking number of cases and news from the UK (where I currently live) and from Cyprus (where I’m originally from). It took me a couple of weeks to realize how unproductive this was. I started limiting myself to check for news once a day. This definitely helped me to regain sanity and productivity but it was manual. Read More →

Event-Driven Image Processing Pipeline with Knative Eventing

In this post, I want to talk about an event-driven image processing pipeline that I built recently using Knative Eventing. Along the way, I’ll tell you about event sources, custom events and other components provided by Knative that simply development of event-driven architectures. Requirements Let’s first talk about the basic requirements I had for the image processing pipeline: Users upload files to an input bucket and get processed images in an output bucket. Read More →

Workload Identity Authentication for Knative v0.14.0 on GKE

If you ever used Knative on Google Cloud, you must have heard of Knative-GCP project. As the name suggests, Knative-GCP project provides a number of sources such as CloudPubSubSource, CloudStorageSource, CloudSchedulerSource and more to help reading various Google Cloud sources into your Knative cluster. I recently updated my Knative Tutorial to use the latest Knative Eventing release v0.14.2 and its corresponding Knative-GCP release v0.14.0. I ran into a weird authentication problem that I want to outline here. Read More →

Migrating from Knative Build to Tekton Pipelines

Knative 0.8.0 and Build Deprecation Knative 0.8.0 came out a couple of weeks ago with a number of fixes and improvements. One of the biggest changes in 0.8.0 is that Knative Build is now deprecated according to docs: Knative Installation docs also only include Knative Serving and Eventing without mentioning Build: kubectl apply \-f \\ \-f \\ \-f Good to know but there’s no explanation on why Knative Build was deprecated and any guidance on what is the replacement, if any. Read More →

Google Home meets .NET containers using Dialogflow

I use my Google Home all the time to check the weather before leaving home, set up alarms, listen to music, but I never considered writing an app for it. What does it take to write an app for the Google Home assistant? And can we make it smarter by leveraging Google Cloud? Those were the questions that my colleague Chris Bacon, and I were thinking about when we decided to build a demo for a conference talk. Read More ↗︎

Windows and .NET Codelabs - an overview

Google Developers Codelabs provide guided coding exercises to get hands-on experience with a wide range of topics such as Android Wear, Firebase and Web. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has its own section, with codelabs for Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Kubernetes and many more. We’re always working to create new content, and I’m happy to announce that we now have new codelabs for running Windows and .NET apps on GCP, with their own dedicated page. Read More ↗︎

How to build and launch an ASP.NET Core app from Google Cloud Shell — without ever leaving the browser

Google Cloud Shell, my favorite development tool for Google Cloud Platform, just got more awesome with two new features. First, we recently integrated Eclipse Orion, an online code editor, with Cloud Shell. If you’re not a Vim or Emacs fan, Orion is a welcome addition to Cloud Shell. It enables you to edit code right inside the browser with basic syntax highlighting and minimal effort. Second, we added .NET Core command line interface tools to Cloud Shell. Read More ↗︎

Managing containerized ASP.NET Core apps with Kubernetes

One of our goals here on the Google Cloud Platform team is to support the broadest possible array of platforms and operating systems. That’s why we’re so excited about the ASP.NET Core, the next generation of the open source ASP.NET web framework built on .NET Core. With it, .NET developers can run their apps cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux. One thing that ASP.NET Core does is allow .NET applications to run in Docker containers. Read More ↗︎