Events for Cloud Run for Anthos >= Knative Eventing on Kubernetes

Introduction We recently announced a new feature, Events for Cloud Run for Anthos, to build event driven systems on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). In the announcement, we also stated that the solution is based on open-source Knative. In this blog post, I want to further explain the relationship between this new feature and Knative. I also want to convince you that our solution is an easier way to deploy Knative compliant event consuming services on Google Cloud. Read More →

Daily COVID-19 cases notification Pipeline with Knative Eventing, BigQuery, Matplotlib and SendGrid

Motivation When I started working from home in mid-March, I was totally obsessed with COVID-19 news. I was constantly checking number of cases and news from the UK (where I currently live) and from Cyprus (where I’m originally from). It took me a couple of weeks to realize how unproductive this was. I started limiting myself to check for news once a day. This definitely helped me to regain sanity and productivity but it was manual. Read More →

Event-Driven Image Processing Pipeline with Knative Eventing

In this post, I want to talk about an event-driven image processing pipeline that I built recently using Knative Eventing. Along the way, I’ll tell you about event sources, custom events and other components provided by Knative that simply development of event-driven architectures. Requirements Let’s first talk about the basic requirements I had for the image processing pipeline: Users upload files to an input bucket and get processed images in an output bucket. Read More →

Workload Identity Authentication for Knative v0.14.0 on GKE

If you ever used Knative on Google Cloud, you must have heard of Knative-GCP project. As the name suggests, Knative-GCP project provides a number of sources such as CloudPubSubSource, CloudStorageSource, CloudSchedulerSource and more to help reading various Google Cloud sources into your Knative cluster. I recently updated my Knative Tutorial to use the latest Knative Eventing release v0.14.2 and its corresponding Knative-GCP release v0.14.0. I ran into a weird authentication problem that I want to outline here. Read More →

Knative Eventing Delivery Methods

Knative Eventing docs are a little confusing when it comes to different event delivery methods it supports. It talks about event brokers and triggers and it also talks about sources, services, channels, and subscriptions. What to use and when? It’s not clear. Let’s break it down. Delivery methods There are 3 distinct methods in Knative: Simple delivery Complex delivery with optional reply Broker and Trigger delivery Broker and Trigger delivery is what you should care about most of the time. Read More →