Daily COVID-19 cases notification Pipeline with Knative Eventing, BigQuery, Matplotlib and SendGrid

Motivation When I started working from home in mid-March, I was totally obsessed with COVID-19 news. I was constantly checking number of cases and news from the UK (where I currently live) and from Cyprus (where I’m originally from). It took me a couple of weeks to realize how unproductive this was. I started limiting myself to check for news once a day. This definitely helped me to regain sanity and productivity but it was manual. Read More →

Event-Driven Image Processing Pipeline with Knative Eventing

In this post, I want to talk about an event-driven image processing pipeline that I built recently using Knative Eventing. Along the way, I’ll tell you about event sources, custom events and other components provided by Knative that simply development of event-driven architectures. Requirements Let’s first talk about the basic requirements I had for the image processing pipeline: Users upload files to an input bucket and get processed images in an output bucket. Read More →

Workload Identity Authentication for Knative v0.14.0 on GKE

If you ever used Knative on Google Cloud, you must have heard of Knative-GCP project. As the name suggests, Knative-GCP project provides a number of sources such as CloudPubSubSource, CloudStorageSource, CloudSchedulerSource and more to help reading various Google Cloud sources into your Knative cluster. I recently updated my Knative Tutorial to use the latest Knative Eventing release v0.14.2 and its corresponding Knative-GCP release v0.14.0. I ran into a weird authentication problem that I want to outline here. Read More →