Istio + Kubernetes on Windows

I’ve been recently looking into Istio, an open platform to connect and manage microservices. After Containers and Kubernetes, I believe that Istio is the next step in our microservices journey where we standardize on tools and methods on how to manage and secure microservices. Naturally, I was very excited to get my hands on Istio. While setting up Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is pretty straightforward, it’s always useful to have a local setup for debugging and testing. Read More →

Minikube on Windows

When I’m playing with Kubernetes, I usually get a cluster from Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) because it’s literally a single gcloud command to get a Kubernetes cluster up and running on GKE. It is sometimes useful though to have a Kubernetes cluster running locally for testing and debugging. Minikube is perfect for this. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your laptop. There are instructions on how to install it on Linux, Mac and Windows. Read More →

Little Mermaid and the Balkans

I don’t get to visit this many new places in this short amount of time usually but last week I got to visit 4 cities in 4 countries. The amazing thing was that I had never been to any of these cities or countries before! My journey started in Copenhagen, Denmark on Monday. I had been in all countries around Denmark but not in Denmark itself, so I was happy to finally add Denmark to the list of visited countries. Read More →

Ada Lovelace Day in London, Unter den Linden in Berlin and DevFest in beautiful Lviv

October 10 was Ada Lovelace Day, a special day to celebrate women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Unfortunately, there are not enough women in software engineering and technology in general. Programs like Women Techmakers do a good job to encourage more women participation in technology with meetups, conferences and hackathons. One of those conferences, Tech(k)now Day, happened in London on Ada Lovelace Day and I was happy that Google Cloud was a sponsor. Read More →

Deploying ASP.NET Core apps on Kubernetes/Container Engine

In my previous post, I talked about how to deploy a containerised ASP.NET Core app to App Engine (flex) on Google Cloud. App Engine (flex) is an easy way to run containers in production: Just send your container and let Google Cloud figure out how to run it at scale. It comes with some nice default features such as versioning, traffic splitting, dashboards and autoscaling. However, it doesn’t give you much control. Read More →

Deploying ASP.NET Core apps on App Engine

I love how easy it is to deploy and run containerized ASP.NET Core apps on App Engine (flex). So much so that, I created a Cloud Minute recently to show you how, here it is. It basically involves 3 steps: Create your ASP.NET Core app using dotnet command line tool inside Cloud Shell and publish your app to get a self-contained DLL. Containerize your app by creating a Dockerfile, relying on the official App Engine image and pointing to the self-contained DLL of your app. Read More →

Putting gRPC multi-language support to the test

gRPC is an RPC framework developed and open-sourced by Google. There are many benefits to gRPC, such as efficient connectivity with HTTP/2, efficient data serialization with Protobuf, bi-directional streaming and more, but one of the biggest benefits is often overlooked: multi-language support. Out of the box, gRPC supports multiple programming languages : C#, Java, Go, Node.js, Python, PHP, Ruby and more. In the new microservices world, the multi-language support provides the flexibility you need to implement services in whatever language and framework you like and let gRPC handle the low-level connectivity and data transfer between microservices in an efficient and consistent way. Read More ↗︎
gRPC  Java  .NET 

Windows and .NET on Google Cloud Platform

Originally published in SDN Magazine 131 in February 2017. Introduction Until recently, there were two distinct camps in the software world: the Windows (A.K.A. closed) world and the Linux (A.K.A. open) world. In the Linux world, we had tools like the bash shell, Java programming language, Eclipse IDE, MySQL database, and many other open-source projects by Apache. In the Windows world, we had similar, yet distinct tools mainly developed by Microsoft, such as the C# programming language, Visual Studio IDE, SQL Server and PowerShell. Read More →

Windows and .NET Codelabs - an overview

Google Developers Codelabs provide guided coding exercises to get hands-on experience with a wide range of topics such as Android Wear, Firebase and Web. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has its own section, with codelabs for Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Kubernetes and many more. We’re always working to create new content, and I’m happy to announce that we now have new codelabs for running Windows and .NET apps on GCP, with their own dedicated page. Read More ↗︎

From the Monolith to Microservices

I remember the old days where we used to package all our modules into a single app (aka the Monolith), deployed everything all at once and called it an enterprise app. I have to admit, the first time I heard the term enterprise app, it felt special. Suddenly, my little module was not so little anymore. It was part of something bigger and more important, at least that’s what I thought. Read More →